There will often be days in your life when you will kneel in supplication asking for guidance and direction. Sometimes the answer will come in a few simple words spoken in a heavenly way. But more often than not, it will be followed by a long series of perplexing choices and steps leading up to no direction at all.
“I knew you were a man of faith, for I discovered you while you were lying in your sleep. The one who searched for me was a messenger from God.” -Psalms, 35:4 And you can find these proverbs everywhere. Pray them also, for they are wiser and true than those who only prophesy or teach with their lips. These psalms are not written for preaching to the converted, but to console and encourage the ordinary person going through a hard time.
The bible is God’s word and it contains God’s wisdom, understanding, and power for us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. These scriptures can be our constant reminder to pray for the direction we need to take. They can be our personal lighthouse guiding us out of the darkness and into the promised land of freedom and eternal life with our Lord. Let’s have some fun and explore some of the scriptures that inspire this classic American proverb.
“The only thing necessary for a person to get to Heaven is to believe that he has been chosen by the Holy Spirit as the head over the body. Believing this eliminates all doubt and brings assurance of success.” -Book of Proverbs, 24
“So, quit asking, and say instead, Behold, I know you, because your Father, the Son, has given me authority to baptize you into death.” – Luke 9:20. -ilet prayer right hand reading. In other words, if you want to get to heaven, you must believe you’ve been called by god to go there and then accept his offer of salvation. Prayer, reading the Bible, praying on a daily basis and dedicating yourself to Christ will certainly help you on your journey toward heaven.
“When you were without, the Holy Ghost gave you the due respect for you, to know that you are His appointed priest.” – Acts 17:4. -rectitude prayer helps you walk in the direction God wants you to go.
“God supplies our life with whatever His heart desires, either joy or grief, peace or war, love or hate. But we have power only to do one thing: TO LOVE God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.” – bible scriptures. This shows you can’t be afraid to make decisions for God to guide your life.
So can prayer help you find what God wants for you? God is so precious that he wants you to find what He wants for you. So why would you want to go against what the Father God has already set up? I just hope that you see the possibilities of having the ability to have absolute freedom in your life. Remember that prayer, knowing God, and doing what is asked of you will take you to the place where you belong.
God gave you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation for the sake of understanding the things which you must go through to reach eternal life with Him. The truth is that your life has been given a life with Him, and you have to walk in the direction that the Spirit has set for you. That’s why you have been given the desire and the need to pray; it is to ask God for the wisdom and revelation that will help you walk in the direction that will bring you closer to him.
There is nothing evil or shameful about you asking God for something that he has promised that he would give you. There is nothing wrong with you trying to help the Lord by doing things that will help you walk in the direction of obedience. The fact that people ask this question shows that they are not in tune with the power of God’s word. You are not being as wise as the Lord is, and you are making yourself a fool. This is why you are not living as God wants you to live.
Prayer helps you walk in the direction that he has set for you. If you are having a hard time walking in that direction, you can get help from a good friend, or even a professional who has the keys to walk you down the right road. You can’t just rely on the words of your god to lead you. If your god can’t walk with you, who will help you? The answer is no, so you need to get some external help. praying and asking for the answer from god will help you find your way.